This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of fuel transactions filtered by specific criteria such as fuel card number, truck number, and transaction date range.

The endpoint for searching fuel transactions requires specifying the API version in the URL path. This ensures that your application interacts with the correct version of the API, providing stability and compatibility as the API evolves. For more information on how versioning works and how to include it in your requests, please refer to the Versioning page.

Request Parameters

The following parameter is required in the URL path:

versionStringYesThe API version to use.

Request Body

The following fields are required in the request body to filter the search results:

pageIntegerNoThe page number to retrieve.
pageSizeIntegerYesThe number of results per page.
PageSize must be greater than 0.
fuelCardNumberStringConditionallyThe fuel card number used for the transactions. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty.
truckNumberStringConditionallyThe truck number associated with the transactions.This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty.
transactionRangeObjectConditionallyThe date range for the transactions.
This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty.
transactionRange.startString (Date-Time)ConditionallyThe start date of the transaction range. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty.
transactionRange.endString (Date-Time)ConditionallyThe end date of the transaction range. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty.

Example CURL request

Use the Current API version number and make sure to replace the Authorization header value with your actual Bearer token for the request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eP90PNFxr_y74mLOETt0hFmWxz_1VBt_oYx9YuSNUz8....' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ 
  "page": 0,
  "pageSize": 100,
  "fuelCardNumber": "",
  "truckNumber": "",
  "transactionRange": {
     "start": "2022-07-29T15:33:17.224Z",
     "end": "2025-07-29T15:33:17.224Z"

Response Parameters

The following table lists the parameters included in the response for fuel transaction search requests:

pageIntegerYesThe current page number of the results.
pageSizeIntegerYesThe number of results per page.
totalIntegerYesThe total number of matching fuel transactions.
itemsArray of ObjectsYesThe list of fuel transaction records matching the criteria.
items.idStringYesThe unique identifier of the fuel transaction.
items.transactionIdStringNoThe transaction ID.
items.subsidiaryIdStringNoThe subsidiary ID associated with the transaction.
items.subsidiaryNameStringNoThe name of the subsidiary associated with the transaction.
items.truckIdStringNoThe unique identifier of the truck.
items.truckNumberStringNoThe truck number associated with the transaction.
items.driverIdStringNoThe unique identifier of the driver.
items.driverNameStringNoThe name of the driver.
items.ownerOperatorIdStringNoThe unique identifier of the owner-operator.
items.ownerOperatorNameStringNoThe name of the owner-operator.
items.sourceStringNoThe source of the transaction data.
items.locationObjectNoThe location details of the transaction.
items.location.idStringNoThe unique identifier of the location.
items.location.nameStringNoThe name of the location.
items.location.cityStringNoThe city of the location.
items.location.addressStringNoThe address of the location.
items.location.countryStringNoThe country of the location.
items.fuelTotalObjectNoThe total fuel amount.
items.fuelTotal.amountIntegerNoThe amount of fuel.
items.fuelTotal.currencyIntegerNoThe currency of the fuel amount.
items.feesObjectNoThe total fees.
items.fees.amountIntegerNoThe amount of fees.
items.fees.currencyIntegerNoThe currency of the fees amount.
items.discountsObjectNoThe total discounts.
items.discounts.amountIntegerNoThe amount of discounts.
items.discounts.currencyIntegerNoThe currency of the discounts amount.
items.advancesObjectNoThe total advances.
items.advances.amountIntegerNoThe amount of advances.
items.advances.currencyIntegerNoThe currency of the advances amount.
items.totalObjectNoThe total amount including fuel, fees, discounts, and advances. total amount. currency of the total amount.

Example Response

On the right side, you can see examples of different error codes by clicking "Example" and selecting the response code.

Rate Limits

All endpoints are subject to rate limits to protect the API from traffic spikes. For detailed information on rate limits, please refer to the Rate Limits section.

This page is interactive, allowing you to try a request by specifying the API version in the URL path and providing the necessary request body. As you fill out the parameters, the Curl command on the right side of the page will be automatically updated. Alternatively, you can directly edit the Curl command. Make sure to authorize yourself before trying a request.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!