The Search Users API endpoint allows you to search for users within the Alvys system based on a keyword.

The Search Users API endpoint allows users to search for specific user accounts within the Alvys system based on a keyword. This endpoint helps administrators efficiently find and manage user data by providing detailed information about users matching the search criteria.

Request Parameters

The following parameter is required in the URL path:

versionStringYesThe version of the API being requested.

Request Body

The request body must include the following parameters:

pageNumberNoThe page number for pagination.
pageSizeNumberYesThe number of results per page.
PageSize must be greater than 0.
keywordStringNoThe keyword to search for in user data.

Example CURL request

Use the Current API version number and make sure to replace the Authorization header value with your actual Bearer token for the request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ....' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "page": 0,
  "pageSize": 100,
  "keyword": ""

Response Parameters

The response contains a list of users matching the search criteria, each represented by the following parameters:

pageNumberThe current page number.
pageSizeNumberThe number of items per page.
totalNumberThe total number of matching items.
itemsArrayThe list of users matching the search criteria.
items.idStringThe unique identifier of the user.
items.userNameStringThe username of the user.
items.nameStringThe full name of the user.
items.emailStringThe email address of the user.
items.userTypeStringThe type of user (e.g., Internal, External).
items.roleStringThe role assigned to the user (e.g., Admin, User).
items.phoneStringThe phone number of the user.
items.companyCodeStringThe code of the company the user is associated with.
items.statusStringThe current status of the user (e.g., Active, Inactive).
items.permissionsArray of StringsA list of permissions assigned to the user.
items.createdAtString (Date-Time)The date and time when the user was created.
items.modifiedAtString (Date-Time)The date and time when the user's details were last modified.

Example Response

On the right side, you can see examples of different error codes by clicking "Example" and selecting the response code.

Rate Limits

All endpoints are subject to rate limits to protect the API from traffic spikes. For detailed information on rate limits, please refer to the Rate Limits section.

This page is interactive, allowing you to try a request by completing the fields for the parameters below. As you fill out the parameters, the Curl command on the right side of the page will be automatically updated. Alternatively, you can directly edit the Curl command. Make sure to authorize yourself before trying a request.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!