The Search Toll Transactions API endpoint allows you to search for toll transactions within the Alvys TMS system based on various criteria such as transponder ID, unit IDs, and date range.
This endpoint provides detailed information about each toll transaction that matches the search criteria, facilitating efficient management and retrieval of toll transaction records.
The Search Toll Transactions API endpoint allows you to search for toll transactions within the Alvys system based on various criteria such as transponder ID, unit IDs, and date range. This endpoint provides detailed information about each toll transaction that matches the search criteria, facilitating efficient management and retrieval of toll transaction records.
Request Parameters
The following parameter is required in the URL path:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
version | String | Yes | The API version to use. |
Request Body
The following fields are required in the request body to filter the search results:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
page | Integer | No | The page number to retrieve. |
pageSize | Integer | Yes | The number of results per page. PageSize must be greater than 0. |
transponderId | String | Conditionally | The transponder ID used for the toll transactions. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty. |
unitIds | Array of Strings | Conditionally | A list of unit IDs to filter by. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty. |
dateRange | Object | Conditionally | The date range for the toll transactions. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty. |
dateRange.start | String (Date-Time) | Conditionally | The start date of the transaction range. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty. |
dateRange.end | String (Date-Time) | Conditionally | The end date of the transaction range. This field is required if the other conditionally required fields are left empty. |
Example CURL request
Use the Current API version number and make sure to replace the Authorization header value with your actual Bearer token for the request:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 100,
"transponderId": "",
"unitIds": [
"dateRange": {
"start": "2021-07-23T14:48:05.234Z",
"end": "2024-07-23T14:48:05.234Z"
Response Parameters
The following table lists the parameters included in the response for toll transaction search requests:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
page | Integer | Yes | The current page number of the results. |
pageSize | Integer | Yes | The number of results per page. |
total | Integer | Yes | The total number of matching toll transactions. |
items | Array of Objects | Yes | The list of toll transaction records matching the criteria. | | String | Yes | The unique identifier of the toll transaction. |
items.truckNum | String | No | The truck number associated with the transaction. |
items.vinNumber | String | No | The Vehicle Identification Number. |
items.year | Integer | No | The year of the vehicle. |
items.make | String | No | The make of the vehicle. |
items.model | String | No | The model of the vehicle. |
items.licenseNum | String | No | The license number of the vehicle. |
items.licenseState | String | No | The state where the vehicle is licensed. |
items.plateExpirationDate | String (Date) | No | The expiration date of the license plate. |
items.licenseExpirationDate | String (Date) | No | The expiration date of the vehicle's license. |
items.status | String | No | The status of the toll transaction. |
items.subsidiaryId | String | No | The subsidiary ID associated with the vehicle. |
items.numberOfAxles | Integer | No | The number of axles on the vehicle. |
items.fleet | Object | No | The fleet information associated with the vehicle. | | String | No | The unique identifier of the fleet. | | String | No | The name of the fleet. |
items.fleet.invoiceNumberPrefix | String | No | The invoice number prefix for the fleet. |
items.grossWeight | Object | No | The gross weight of the vehicle. |
items.grossWeight.value | Integer | No | The value of the gross weight. |
items.grossWeight.unitOfMeasure | String | No | The unit of measure for the gross weight (e.g., Kilograms). |
items.emptyWeight | Object | No | The empty weight of the vehicle. |
items.emptyWeight.value | Integer | No | The value of the empty weight. |
items.emptyWeight.unitOfMeasure | String | No | The unit of measure for the empty weight (e.g., Kilograms). |
items.color | String | No | The color of the vehicle. |
items.fuelType | String | No | The type of fuel used by the vehicle. |
items.fuelCards | Array | No | A list of fuel cards associated with the vehicle. | | String | No | The unique identifier of the fuel card. |
items.fuelCards.cardNumber | String | No | The card number of the fuel card. |
items.fuelCards.provider | String | No | The provider of the fuel card. |
items.fuelCards.deductFuel | Boolean | No | Indicates whether fuel is deducted. |
items.fuelCards.applyFuelDiscount | Boolean | No | Indicates whether a fuel discount is applied. |
items.fuelCards.deductFromId | String | No | The ID of the entity from which the fuel is deducted. |
items.fuelCards.deductFromName | String | No | The name of the entity from which the fuel is deducted. |
items.fuelCards.deductFromSubsidiary | String | No | The subsidiary from which the fuel is deducted. |
items.fuelCards.deductFromContractorType | String | No | The contractor type from which the fuel is deducted. |
items.insuranceCompany | String | No | The insurance company associated with the vehicle. |
items.insurancePolicyNumber | String | No | The insurance policy number. |
items.insuranceExpirationDate | String (Date) | No | The expiration date of the insurance policy. |
items.inspectionExpirationDate | String (Date) | No | The expiration date of the vehicle inspection. |
items.notes | Array | No | An optional list of notes related to the vehicle. | | String | No | The unique identifier of the note. |
items.notes.description | String | No | The description of the note. |
items.notes.noteType | String | No | The type of the note. |
items.notes.time | String (Date-Time) | No | The time the note was created. |
items.notes.user | String | No | The user who created the note. |
items.createdAt | String (Date-Time) | Yes | The date and time when the toll transaction was created. |
Example Response
On the right side, you can see examples of different error codes by clicking "Example" and selecting the response code.
Rate Limits
All endpoints are subject to rate limits to protect the API from traffic spikes. For detailed information on rate limits, please refer to the Rate Limits section.
This page is interactive, allowing you to try a request by providing the driver ID in the URL path. As you fill out the parameters, the Curl command on the right side of the page will be automatically updated. Alternatively, you can directly edit the Curl command. Make sure to authorize yourself before trying a request.