This endpoint allows you to retrieve a paginated list of outbound errors for a specified time range. The request includes parameters for pagination and a time range filter. Note that the time range must be 7 days or less. This feature helps users identify and manage any errors that occurred while sharing updates with external systems.

Request Body Parameters

All the following parameters are required in the request body:

pageNumberYesThe page number to retrieve.
pageSizeNumberYesThe number of items to retrieve per page.
timeRangeObjectYesThe time range filter for retrieving errors. Must be 7 days or less.
timeRange.startString (Date-Time)YesThe start date and time for the time range.
timeRange.endString (Date-Time)YesThe end date and time for the time range.

Example CURL Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "page": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "timeRange": {
        "start": "2024-11-11T15:15:13.876Z",
        "end": "2024-11-18T15:15:13.876Z"

Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual Bearer token. Ensure that the start and end dates are within a 7-day range.

Response Fields

The response is a paginated list of error items, including details about each error:

pageNumberThe current page number.
pageSizeNumberThe number of items per page.
totalNumberThe total number of error items.
itemsArrayA list of error items.
items.idStringThe unique identifier of the error.
items.externalIdStringThe external ID related to the error.
items.tripNumberStringThe trip number linked to the load.
items.loadNumberStringThe load number for which the error occurred.
items.eventTypeStringThe type of event, typically "Location".
items.sharedAtString (Date-Time)The date and time when the update was shared.
items.destinationStringThe destination of the load.
items.truckNumberStringThe number of the truck transporting the load.
items.driverNameStringThe name of the driver.
items.trailerNumberStringThe number of the trailer being used.
items.stopIdStringThe ID of the stop related to the error.
items.locationIdStringThe ID of the location associated with the error.
items.sharedByStringThe entity (user or system) that shared the update.
items.reasonStringThe reason for the error, if provided. There is defined list on system, depending on integration. E.g.: NS - Normal Status.
items.addressObjectThe address details of the location update.
items.address.streetStringThe street of the location.
items.address.cityStringThe city of the location.
items.address.stateStringThe state of the location.
items.address.zipCodeStringThe postal code of the location.
items.coordinatesObjectThe geographic coordinates of the location.
items.coordinates.latitudeStringThe latitude of the location.
items.coordinates.longitudeStringThe longitude of the location.
items.statusStringThe status of the update (e.g., "Completed", "Failed").
items.errorStringThe error message related to the update.

Example Response

  "page": 0,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "total": 1,
  "items": [
      "id": "9b834b4c77124b8f8f0d97b56b7dabc4",
      "externalId": "EXT-003",
      "tripNumber": "TRIP67890",
      "loadNumber": "LOAD67890",
      "eventType": "Location",
      "sharedAt": "2024-11-11T15:15:13.896Z",
      "destination": "Chicago, IL",
      "truckNumber": "TRK67890",
      "driverName": "Alex Johnson",
      "trailerNumber": "TRL67890",
      "stopId": "STOP003",
      "locationId": "LOC003",
      "sharedBy": null,
      "reason": "NS", //normal status
      "address": {
        "street": "789 Oak St",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "state": "IL",
        "zipCode": "60601"
      "coordinates": {
        "latitude": "41.878113",
        "longitude": "-87.629799"
      "status": "Failed",
      "error": "EDI|Failed to send message to General Mills via EDI. Please try again or reach out to support if the problem persist."

Rate Limits

All endpoints are subject to rate limits to protect the API from traffic spikes. For detailed information on rate limits, please refer to the Rate Limits section.

This page is interactive, allowing you to test the endpoint by providing the required request body. The CURL command will update automatically based on your inputs. You can also try this request by forking our Public API Postman Collection. Remember to authorize yourself before trying a request.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!